T-Rex 25.12 LHR Unlock

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

On 4/15/2022 a new version of T-Rex miner released 0.25.12 which claims to have unlocked more hash rate on LHR cards. This update is behind other miners like lolminer but with the many advantages of T-Rex I waited for this update. I did test out the T-Rex miner 0.25.10 which was never official posted but was able to be downloaded through the official discord chat. I did not see improvements with 0.25.10 even when using the newest drivers but am currently testing 0.25.12 on 2 LHR 3070s.

T-Rex Miner

Update Notes:

This update improves LHR unlock functionality for both mining ETH and dual mining. It is expected to see about 78-79% unlock compared to the 75% in the previous version. The LHR auto tune mode parameter is set to down as default instead of full and some Linux memory temp bugs have been patched on GDDR6X cards. Be sure to remove any lhr tune settings in your existing configuration and let the miner auto calibrate, this should take about a minute. You will know when its done because a calibration finished message will appear on screen. Make sure you don't have a monitor connected or RDP into your miner while the calibration is running. This will prevent the full unlock. Also make sure your overclock settings are not delayed upon starting the miner, otherwise this will mess up the calibration as well, if your GPU frequently trips the LHR lock, try decreasing your memory overclock. They also reccommend if on Windows to use the 512.xx drivers and on Linux to use the 470.xx or newer.

Should I Update:

With the merge to POS being delayed as of an announcement on 4/14/2022, it is expected that ETH will merge closer to September. This means we have another 3 months or so to continue mining. If you have any LHR cards or have some issues with memory temps being displayed in Hive it is defiantly worth updating. This improvement will also carry over to mining ETC.

Real World Testing:

I have a 3070 Asus dual LHR and a 3070 Asus Strix LHR. The Asus Dual is mining in a separate rig while the Strix is in my gaming PC. I use this card to play games, as it is not as efficient when mining as the non LHR cards. In my mining rig I saw a 4MH/S increase getting 48.05MH/S instead of roughly 44-45. This extra 4MH/S at the cost of no extra power will give me another $0.16 a day. For my Gaming PC I do see more stable hash rate while mining and browsing the internet, however my system is a lot slower and has many more stutters.

Check out Setting up T-Rex web interface & Overclocking in T-Rex | How and Why