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Cost to Mine 1ETH/Month

Today we are going over how many GPU's and what investment would be needed to mine 1 ETH per month. All profitability number will be taken off of what to mine along with some other assumptions. Lets assume you are getting the standard business electric rate of $0.05 kw/h. Lets also assume you have the necessary space to cool and house the amount of GPU's along with the power (infrastructure). We are also going to assume that any cards purchased are non-LHR.


Current price of ETH: $3,212.

$0.05 kW/h

Infrastructure is already there at no cost.

GPU's are cooled by air at no extra cost.

There is no monthly cost for renting out the space.

GPU's will be built on 12x rigs costing roughly: $435

RTX 3070:

Total amount of GPU's needed: 36

Cost of GPUS: $46,800 at $1,300 per GPU

Cost of rigs: $1,305

Monthly power cost: $162

Estimated Power needed: 4,530 watts

Profit per day: $109.10

Break Even Point: 440 days

With the RTX 3070 being one of the more efficient GPUs and proof of stake coming in the next few months, I see the 3070 as one of the best cards to pick up. These cards also make for great gaming GPU's and being right in the middle of the 30 series line-up there will be plenty of people that will want these cards for the next few years.

RTX 3080:

Total amount of GPU's Needed: 23

Total Cost of GPU's: $43,700 at $1,900 per GPU

Cost of rigs: $870

Monthly power cost: $180

Estimated Power needed: 5,430 watts

Profit per day: $109.02

Break Even Point: 408 days

The RTX 3080 gets significantly more hashrate which will reduce the number of rigs you need to build in order to reach this goal. However they do require a lot more power. Compared to the 3070 build we are looking at an increase of roughly 1,000 watts. Cards ending in 80 such as the 3080, 1080 or 2080 always carry a premium when on the used market, with the 3090 being introduced and the 3080 not being top of the line, we might see less of a premium.


Total amount of GPU's Needed: 64

Total Cost of GPU's: $38,400 at $600 per GPU

Cost of rigs: $2,610

Monthly power cost: $172.80

Estimated Power needed: 5,440 watts

Profit per day: $108.03

Break Even Point: 380 days

With BigNavi not being as efficent when it comes to mining crypto, this one is a bit of a shock. The 6600XT cards would take up significantly more space and require more rigs to be built, but will break even faster than the 3070's or 3080's. There is a benifit when it comes to having more rigs in terms of resale value or switching out cards in the future, but it also requires more maintenance.


Total amount of GPU's Needed: 32

Total Cost of GPU's: $41,600 at $1,300 per GPU

Cost of rigs: $1,305

Monthly power cost: $172.80

Estimated Power needed: 5,010 watts

Profit per day: $106.51

Break Even Point: 402 days

With the 6800XT we see number similar to the 3070, however not as efficient. With AMD miners constantly experimenting and pushing the limits, I wouldn't be surprised if they find a bios mod or flash that helps increase the hash rate per card in the future. That or AMD will update the drivers more and make these cards more efficient.


All of these cards are good options when mining ETH, although with proof of stake coming in the next few months it is important to look for the most efficient card. Generally these cards will do the best in a bear market and will do well when mining other algorithms.


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