3080TI LHR 91mh/s | Hashrate Unlock

Updated: Dec 11, 2021

A month ago reddit user bravo_char1 posted on the gpumining subreddit about a bios mod that would allow the EVGA 3080ti to achieve ~80mh/s or more. The EVGA 3080ti and inno3d 3080ti have hidden power limits that prevent you from getting the 80-90mh/s you should be getting on a 3080ti. Today we are going to go over what you can do to get your full hash rate from these cards. CryptoDonkeyMiner and Red Panda Mining also have video tutorials on how to do this. I will be following Red Panda Mining in this guide as his videos are amazing.

Disclaimer:Flash the BIOS at your own risk, you can brick a GPU if you use a bad/wrong BIOS.

Where to download BIOS:

For anyone who has modded or bios flashed cards before this won't be a surprise. The BIOS is listed on TechPowerUP. Keep in mind that if you BIOS flash you could brick the card, theres always a chance with an unverified BIOS file that something could be messed up in the file or not compatible with your card. Link to TechPowerUP 3080ti bios.

Save Original BIOS in Windows:

It is standard practice when BIOS flashing to save a copy of your original BIOS, just incase the GPU is unstable with a new bios flash. This can be done simply by installing GPU-Z from TechPowerUP, launching the program, hovering over BIOS Version and clicking Save to file. I would also recommend storing this BIOS file on multiple drives.

Flash BIOS in Windows:

There are many tools you can use to flash a BIOS onto an Nvidia card, we will go over nvflash today. First make sure you have nvflash downloaded along with the new BIOS you want to flash.

  • Open up device manager and Disabled the GPU you want to flash.

  • Open CMD in admin mode.

  • Navigate to nvflash directory. ex: C:\Users\willi\Downloads\nvflash

  • run command nvdlash -6 (Insert name of BIOS file .rom)

  • Video Linked here if you get stuck.

What to do if your bios flash is bad:

If you get lines running across your screen, artifacting or no fan spin the bios is not compatible with the card.

How to BIOS flash in HIVEOS:

BIOS flashing a GPU in HIVEOS is extremely easy. You can navigate over to the Overclocking tab and there will be an option to download the original VBIOS as well as Flash VBIOS.